Jesus Is The Answer To Every Question You Should Be Asking.

Jesus is the answer, It doesn’t matter what issue or problem is happening in your life. Jesus can and will see you through whatever issue you are facing. I’ve heard this phrase since I was a small child, but have only recently begun to understand the meaning. and that is epic.

Jesus is the answer

You might be asking yourself. What does that even mean? This has to be a joke because God doesn’t do anything today. Also, why Is He The Answer? Is there a chance it isn’t Jesus, couldn’t It Be Someone Else Like Gandhi Or Buddha?

People will ask what makes Jesus so special, and how is he the answer to everything.

Jesus Is The Answer Questions We Can’t Vocalize.

I got deeper into the name of Jesus in my blog post, Who is Jesus? So I won’t be delving into great depth here. However, the name of Jesus does mean the savior, to deliver, or to rescue.

Joshua is another related name, and if you’ve studied the Old Testament you know that he saved the people of Israel and brought them into the promised land. (Hebrew = Yeshua)

Jesus is the answer because he exemplifies the meaning of his name. In John 3:16 the Bible States that God loved us, and sent Jesus to save us. Do not condemn us. He came to show us love and pour out his grace.

Unfortunately, the world (and many Christians) have turned this belief around. They believe Jesus was a horrible man who came to give rules and regulations, and that cannot be further from the truth.

In John 10:10 Jesus said that he has come to bring life and that we could have it more abundantly. So now my question is. Where is this life? What did he mean?

Why Jesus Is The Answer We’ve Been Searching For.

Jesus came to earth and died for us, he did so we can reconnect with God. His death and resurrection give us lines of communication with God, restoring our relationship.

So why does it seem like a daunting task to hear the voice of God? We doubt and can’t seem to know if he’s speaking. How do we overcome this? And live the life he’s called us to.

Hearing the voice of God is a difficult task, and it’s impossible to boil this answer down into a few quick sentences. I’ll give you my theory on why it’s hard to hear God’s voice.

Jesus is the answer

Why Is It So Hard For Us To Hear God’s Voice?

According to the Bible, humans are 3 parts. Paul says we are body, soul, and spirit. I believe that when we sinned, the death God spoke about was our spirit first, as the body began to decay afterward. This of course leads to our physical deaths.

After Jesus died and was resurrected, we can reach out to God, ask for forgiveness, and be restored. When we do this our spirit is revived and we have a restored communion with God.

However, most of us, have never lived life with our spirits, and therefore don’t know how to use it, or even what it is.

Newborn babies, don’t know what our hands, feet, or mouths are. We experience feelings and sensations. But have no idea what is happening.

The same is true with the spirit, and it’s why Paul says we should grow in the lord, join a Christian fellowship, and study his word. Doing this will help our spirits grow up, once we eat real spiritual food. More will be revealed to us.

Paul describes these things as deeper spiritual things, I’m desperate to find out what he was talking about.

This is why Jesus is the answer. Without him, we don’t have the key, and that key leads us to reconnect with God, and become his children.

Jesus is the answer and The Way.

What Was Jesus’s Message?

Jesus is the answer he came to earth, died, and was resurrected. He took our punishment when we didn’t even care. He did it because he loved us, knowing that he would be rejected. And even after all of that, He still died for us.

Jesus is the answer because he stands next to God, interceding on our behalf. Our sin cut us off from God, but Jesus’ death and resurrection gave us a bridge, and this bridge leads us to a God who loves us.

I understand if you’re skeptical, and keep laughing whenever I write Jesus is the answer. I used to be like you. I’ve always believed in God, and in my early teens had a mental breakdown.

I thought God hated me, and I would make him pay for creating me. I didn’t ask for existence, so I would make him hurt.

I did everything I could to make him mad, and everything he did, only proved his love for me. It was frustrating, he was always there showing he loved me, and I spat at him.

Jesus Is The Answer, And He’s The Only Way.

Having Jesus in your life isn’t going to make things easier. In my life, it’s only made things more difficult. However, it means you won’t walk alone. That’s the best part.

The creator of the universe came down to earth, was murdered, and resurrected. Now he wants to live life with you.

Sounds a bit like an old story from sci-fi doesn’t it?

Apostle Paul

How Do I Let Jesus Live Life With Me?

Living life with Jesus isn’t that difficult, you just have to ask him into your life. A simple prayer can go a long way here.

Dear Jesus, I need you in my life. Please forgive me for the things I’ve done wrong, and help me live a life with you. Thank you for dying and rising again for me. Please walk with me, Jesus.


If you prayed this prayer, understand this is just the start. Jesus is the answer, but it’s the answer you’ll have to choose every day. There are many things in this world that will try and hide your view of him, don’t let them do that.

Jesus Is The Answer

Jesus Is Your Answer; Here’s How You Can Keep Him In Focus:

Repentance Is Key: Not a lot of church people talk about repentance nowadays, but it’s important. You have to turn from your current ways and follow him. If you’re doing something the Bible speaks against, you have to stop and follow him. If God tells you something is wrong, stop it. It’s not simple it’s hard. I still struggle with things, but don’t let that get you down. Ask for forgiveness and continue.

Get A Bible And Read It Daily: Repentance is easier when you have a bible to read daily. My biggest failures stem from my lack of bible reading. When you can’t hear his voice. Read the Bible, his voice is there, and it’ll speak to you. It also strengthens your spirit and gives you hope.

Pray Daily: Have a conversation with God daily. Ask him some questions, or for help. Then quiet yourself and listen.

Find A Bible Following Community: I used to say church here instead of community, but technically they’re both the same. The church is a group of people who follow Jesus. Find a group that reads and studies the Bible. They will help you on your journey.

Why Jesus Is The Answer:

Jesus didn’t come to say I’m the only way; to deal with it. He came to tell us that our ship is sinking, and this was the only boat that could save us. Nobody else is coming, get onboard.

Some of us get on the boat, and for others, the band plays on.

What will you do? Make your choice Today!

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