7 Steps To Developing A Generous Heart

Developing a generous heart can be difficult. Many people today struggle to make ends meet, and they become self-focused. Developing a generous heart can cause problems, but the benefits outweigh them. I’ll be focused a lot on money in this post, but that’s a jumping-off point.

Most people think their money won’t do much if they give to a cause. Or they think it will be used for nefarious purposes. However, giving is a God-given responsibility for all people. There’s always someone in a worse place than you are, and blessing them could be the catalyst for change in their life.

However, before we begin, I want to share a story about generosity and having a generous heart.

What Does It Mean To Have A Generous Heart?

Having a generous heart is something you have to train for and it’s something you need to keep your eyes open for. Look around you and see what everyone around you is like. What are their needs? Do they have enough? Is there something you can do, that’ll bless them?

This might be as simple as giving some encouragement. Or as intense as paying someone’s bills. People who are generous, generally don’t view their belongings as belonging to them.

Instead, they see themselves as stewards of their property, until somebody comes along that needs them more.

How to Have A Generous Heart

My Story Generous Heart Story.

I have a side job doing grocery deliveries and have fun doing it. Through the job, I meet people, get some exercise, and help people in need. However today I was blindsided and it affected me on a deep level. Maybe it was because my father just passed away and I’m still a bit emotional about that.

I was at Target, in the checkout lane, and the lines were beginning to get long since it was the day before Thanksgiving. When I looked behind me, I saw an older man with a cane walk up. He was holding 4-5 small items and was struggling to stay on his feet. I looked at the people in line, and I made a decision.

Waving and getting his attention, I said, “Sir, You can go ahead of me.”

He responded with a smile and proceeded to walk forward, passing by. So I asked how his day was going. His reply was, “Slowly.” Of course, he said that with a grin.

I didn’t even think about the people he passed in the line, they might’ve been mad or didn’t care. In actuality, to me, it didn’t matter either. The cashier rang up his items, and he had issues paying for his groceries.

You Have To Be Quick Witted And Able To Jump In And Help:

He swiped his first credit card but was rejected because he didn’t know the pin. Then he pulled out his second card. Another rejection. He looked sad at the cashier and asked. “What do I do now?” The cashier didn’t know what to say and shrugged her shoulders. She was about to send him to customer service when I jumped in.

Making eye contact with him I spoke up. “Sir, don’t worry about this, I’ll pay for your groceries.”

I didn’t know it, but one of the people in line behind me started to walk forward. He tapped me on the shoulder and said, “You’ve been nice enough already.”

I was shocked and thought the worst. What right did he have to say that? So I turned around expecting to confront an angry shopper. However, when I turned around, I was shocked.

“You’ve done enough, Let me buy his groceries.”

So I stepped aside grinning the whole time. After everything was paid for. The elderly man thanked both of us, and he left on his way. Walking towards the door.

That happened this morning, and I’m still thinking about it. Generosity is contagious. Don’t ever forget that.

Building A Generous Heart?

Having a heart of generosity can be summed up pretty simply.

  1. Understand Your Possessions Aren’t Always Yours
  2. Look For Opportunities and People In Need
  3. Give to those around you. Especially when you see hardship.

Generosity is the opposite of greed. Whenever I feel myself becoming a hoarder, it usually means I’ve stopped giving.

If you’d like to develop a generous heart. Go outside, head towards the mall, or the area of town that doesn’t get a lot of traffic. Look at the people and look at what you have.

You can never give more than you have, however sometimes what you have is another person’s miracle.

I always encourage people to go somewhere they aren’t familiar with and look around. Study people, others might call this person watching. After you’ve looked enough, you’ll see the ones in need, and hopefully, that’ll tug at your heart.

Then all you do is look at what you have, and see what can help. As a side note, sometimes you’re just the middle man/woman and it’s your place to connect them with someone else.

Maybe it’s a friend, coworker, etc. but sometimes you’re also the bridge to the blessing.

How to Have A Generous Heart

Kind And Generous Hearts.

If you’re not giving, then how can you be loving? When you love other people you’ll be giving. I’ve done many things for people in my life. I’ve filled up gas tanks and bought dinner and groceries for people. However, there have been other times that I’ve focused on myself. I’ve walked by the homeless, ignored people, and gotten angry when they ask for help.

Every time I’ve done this, I’ve left feeling like a horrible person. The feeling leaves quickly if there’s nothing I could’ve done. However, if I knew that I could’ve helped, and left. It’ll feel like a horrible person.

And Why Should I Not Feel That Way? I Did A Horrible Thing. I could’ve helped someone, and I chose not to.

Whenever I struggle with my faith, it happens semi-regularly. There’s always a serious drop in generosity. My generous heart goes out the window and I become selfish holding tightly to my possessions.

Having a generous heart is a great litmus test for your spiritual well-being.

7 Ways To Develop A Generous Heart?

To be generous you have to love, and you have to care about a person’s situation. While I do place limitations on my generosity, that by no means stops me from giving.

In addition to that, you have to look around and see the people around you. Ask yourself what they need. And do I have anything that could help them?

This is how you develop a generous heart. Remove yourself from your view, and place others in it.

  1. Choose to stop loving what you have.
  2. Understand that God is your source.
  3. Open your eyes to everyone around you.
  4. See their needs
  5. Look at your abundance.
  6. Ask if your abundance can fill their need.
  7. Give.

that is the essence of having a generous heart.

Generous Heart

The Opposite Of A Generous Heart

When you have a generous heart, greed is never an issue. Remember, it’s always there waiting to grab and pull you back into a world of hoarding.

Whenever I feel my money is tight, I hold onto everything to survive. I get a feeling that it’s time to hold back. I started to wonder if I should stop giving.

However, I’ve trained myself to believe, that I need to give more. When you live with open hands, doors of opportunity will open up for you.

Don’t let yourself fall for greed. It’s a lonely road, and when you help others build their lives, it’s rewarding to see them live it.

Hey Everyone Thank You For Reading My Latest Blog Post, I Hope You Enjoy It. Don’t Forget To Subscribe Below, And Checkout out My Latest Snowboard Posts On SnoFall Gear. Be Generous every day.

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