Repentance is a word that isn’t mentioned in Churches a lot today. Granted it does vary by the denomination and the people group, but to me, it seems that it’s a forgotten word. However, it’s mentioned a lot in the Bible...
The book of Jude is short and doesn’t get a lot of attention. Books with more familiar names like 1 John, or even 1 Peter are slightly longer but more sermons are written about them. I also think it’s name recognition....
Learning a few ways to reduce stress can be extremely beneficial to you. There’s a lot of stress in this world, I’d even say the stress of it is too much to bear sometimes. In this day and age, we seem...
When I was 10 years old my family went on a vacation. It was the first and only vacation I remember ever having, and for some reason, I couldn’t stop worrying about my life. Funny enough, I broke down crying, because...
Why did Jesus Die? What was the point? Many people read about How Jesus died and they stop right afterward. They don’t realize the significance of his death, and even worse, they don’t understand the significance of his resurrection. I think...
In life, there are a lot of distractions, and many times we’ll set out to do one thing, but forget about it. If this sounds like you, it’s a good practice to learn how to accomplish goals in your life. Look...
This post might be hard to take, especially if you’re in a tough situation. Most likely you’ve ever asked yourself, Does God Listen? Let me start by stating the truth. God listens to your prayers, and he has a plan. However,...
When you admit you were wrong a liberation happens in your soul, it frees you to be yourself. There are a few hurdles to overcome before your admission of guilt and most of these are mental however if you can weather...
Discipleship is a huge buzzword in the church today. Maybe it’s been this way for years but to me, it seems like I’m always hearing about it. The frustrating thing for me is to see people who don’t know what it...
I attended church and gave my life to Jesus at a young age. Even when I followed Jesus, I always worried about sin. Fear would creep into my heart, and I’d worry that I screwed everything up. I believed that God...
Jesus is the answer, It doesn’t matter what issue or problem is happening in your life. Jesus can and will see you through whatever issue you are facing. I’ve heard this phrase since I was a small child, but have only...
Growing up in the church I had a huge problem with worship. It was boring and I hated all the singing and the clapping. Also, there were so many people that I didn’t like being around there. Most of my issues...
One of the most difficult things you can do in life is to forgive and let go. Especially when someone you loved has hurt you. Those are the deepest wounds, and they’re not easily healed. However forgiveness isn’t for them, it’s...
Developing a generous heart can be difficult. Many people today struggle to make ends meet, and they become self-focused. Developing a generous heart can cause problems, but the benefits outweigh them. I’ll be focused a lot on money in this post,...
Does God Love Everyone? Yes, he does, in fact, the Bible confirms this fact many times. John 3:16 is one of the most well-known verses, and it says that he does. However, we must also remember that God’s love is something...
A few days ago I had the opportunity to visit my father on his deathbed. Our relationship had been strained for 18 years, but we had finally found some reconciliation and forgiveness. It was a touching affair where I held his...
Two and a half years ago I received a phone call from my brother. He told me our father was dying of cancer. At the time my father and I had a huge falling out. He’d made some choices I disagreed...
Who are you? It’s a profound question that many of us have trouble answering. Who are we in Christ? Well, that’s even worse, If you don’t know yourself how could you know that? I’ve been trying to study this topic for...
The Bible says a lot about faithfulness and endurance. Luke 16:10 is a prime example of being faithful with little, to be trusted with much. Whoever is faithful with very little will also be faithful with much, and whoever is dishonest...
In my life I’ve been a failure, at least that’s what I tell myself whenever I look at my list of Dreams & Goals. It seems like the list gets longer and I keep growing older. However, my dreams keep getting...
This post sucks to write, and it’s even worse to go through. Dealing with parental death isn’t something you ever think about. One day it hits you. I feel like I was lucky, I knew it was coming. My father had...
Have you ever thrown your heart and soul into a project, only to have it fail, disintegrating right before your eyes? For the last two years, I’ve been an entrepreneur, trying to find my place in the world. Some of my...
1 Corinthians 13 is a Bible chapter about faith, hope, and love. Its nickname is the ‘love chapter,” too. I think most people would agree with me when I say it’s the most quoted chapter in the Bible at weddings. This...
The Crucifixion Of Jesus was the most significant execution in history. Jesus was killed for doing nothing except making the establishment angry. This happened because he told the truth and this threatened their perceived power. The Crucifixion of Jesus was planned...
Have you ever been to a place, where you don’t know what to do? Your body is exhausted, mentally you’ve shut down, and the situation can’t be fixed. In despair, and depression you cry out for help, but nobody answers, and...
Faith and Hope aren’t that different from each other, in fact, I’d even say they’re related. I don’t think you can have hope without faith, and that’s probably vice versa. A lot of people have their own definitions but mine comes...
The last few weeks I’ve been in a funk, it’s been depressing and I haven’t been able to think. I started to get better yesterday but all my posts since January are depressing. I needed to write them, but I should...
Perseverance is the art of hanging in there when everything looks bleak. It isn’t admitting defeat, and it isn’t throwing in the towel. When you persevere, you’re holding on, believing that something will change. In many ways, it’s being faithful. While...
What is the meaning of life? Why are we here, and what should we be doing with our lives? These are questions that thousands of theologians and everyday people have pondered for centuries. I like exploring this question. It’s extremely deep...
I grew up in the Church and was taught how a good Christian boy should act. The impression I received was to be a nice guy, a quiet guy. For some reason that rolled into piety, and the understanding that Jesus...
I think young Christians and people new to the faith have trouble with this concept. I know when I was young I did. You hear these words, ‘You are forgiven,’ but if you don’t believe you can go home and forget....
I’m not a psychiatrist and I’ve never played one on TV, but I do have real-world experience in the field of emotional pain. I lived through years of mental, and emotional abuse, with a father who probably needed medication. My emotional...
I remember a time when I lived in constant fear and darkness. It was a time when I didn’t believe that Jesus would forgive me. I don’t remember ever trusting God, and I waited constantly for him to pounce when I...
Over 2000 years ago a monumental event happened. A baby was born in a manger outside of Bethlehem. Angels sang in the fields to some shepherds, and wise men in the east observed a bright star. This birth was an invasion...
I wish I could write that at 4:37 PM today you'll receive your deliverance, but I don't know when it's coming. It is coming don't let unbelief rule your life. When you stop believing, despair and depression come in. When they...
When I was in ministry school, and barely scraping by. Money was hard to come by. Tuition was expensive and I was about to go on a missions trip with our school. At that point, I'd raised half the money for...
First and foremost, God will speak to his people through the words in the Bible. Hearing Gods voice is only a few pages away. Whenever I can't hear his voice another way. I retreat to this book, because he's always speaking...
The lord’s prayer is written at the beginning of Luke Chapter 11. It’s a simple prayer that Jesus tells his disciples when he’s teaching them to pray. I love the lord’s prayer because it’s literally God teaching us how to talk...
Forgiveness was a difficult road to travel. I hated my father and knew he hated me. Even When I was young he would scream, yell, and he’d threaten me. I was terrified of him. In my ebook ‘Hurricane Jerald’, I go...
Many people that struggle with being lonely also struggle with depression. They go through these thoughts daily, but even if you're not depressed, I'm sure you've struggled with loneliness. I know because I've been there myself....
Anxiety is a horrible feeling, one second you'll be okay and the next it grips your soul, pressing deep on top of your chest. Every human on the planet has fear, but anxiety is a deeper more intense version than that....
Victory in Jesus is a Chruch Hymn written by Eugene M. Bartlett Sr. The song was written after Eugene suffered a paralyzing stroke in 1939. The song is about the death of Jesus, and how he came to save and heal...