3 Steps To Accomplish Goals You Set In Life.

In life, there are a lot of distractions, and many times we’ll set out to do one thing, but forget about it. If this sounds like you, it’s a good practice to learn how to accomplish goals in your life.

Look to your dreams, and set some steps between you and them. These steps are little points that you can use to accomplish goals.

As you work towards your dream, you’ll get a pretty amazing feeling. When you accomplish goals you’ve set for yourself it’s very satisfying, amazing, and almost euphoric.

However, the key sentence I wrote above contains work toward, if you’re going to accomplish goals, you’ll need to work for it.

I like to call the people who refuse to work dreamers because a goal without action is nothing more than wishful thinking. I’m not trying to be harsh here, I’m only stating reality. If you want to accomplish your goals, are there things that will slow you down?

Think about it, is there anything?

The beauty of the free market and the American economy is that nothing can stop you from being who you want to be unless you allow yourself to be stopped. Many people will blame others or circumstances, but ultimately they’ve given up and don’t want to work.

Everyone starts at a different place, that much is true, but we don’t have to stay there.

How Do You Develop and Accomplish Goals In Life?

When I have a goal that I’m seeking to accomplish, I start to ask myself a few quick questions.

  1. Is This Goal Even Possible?
  2. What Kind Of Timetable Am I Looking At For This?
  3. How Much Money Will This Cost Me?
  4. Will It Make Me Any Money?
  5. Is This Stupid? Or Am I Considering This?

Ultimately, after going through these questions, I find some close friends and talk with them. If you have a goal and want to accomplish the goal, you’ll need people around you.

These people can:

  1. Hold You Accountable
  2. Give You Great Ideas
  3. Help Steer Your Thoughts In A Good Direction
  4. Encourage You If/When Everything Falls Apart.

Keep in mind what I stated above about sharing with close friends. Never share your ideas with anyone off the street. You don’t know their intentions, your ideas can get stolen, and they don’t care about you. (in the same way)

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What Kind of Goals Should I Set For Myself?

There are 4 basic reasons we make goals.

  1. Job & Work
  2. Family
  3. Life
  4. Spiritual

Job & Work Goals

Some people have jobs, others have careers, and some work for themselves. This category is where you see yourself in 5, 10, or even 50 years. What title do you want to have? How many companies do you want to create?

Notice I’m not saying anything about money, I believe that should be in the family category because it’s how you create a quality of life for them.


Family goals depend on what phase your family is in. Maybe you’re about to get married and want to purchase a house. Or perhaps you’re a retired couple wanting to downsize and travel the world.

The questions you ask here are, what do you dream about? What do you want to do?


What type of life are you looking for? Some people are content with going to their 9-5 their entire lives, and that’s not bad because it gives them time with their families (see previous option). Other people want to see the world and travel, others want to work for themselves and have more freedom to spend their time.

See how these goal groupings are related? Work gives you finances for your family, and when the family is doing well you can make life choices. These life choices can ultimately affect your work.

Well, there’s one last area we should make goals for, and I know a huge chunk of society doesn’t believe in anything spiritual, but I do. I’d be negligent if I didn’t write anything about that.


My relationship with Jesus is what makes me who I am. It gives me my moral code, my direction, and my peace. Even when everything is falling apart and I’m failing at life (it’s happened). I know that I can rely on him.

accomplish goals

So what kind of goals should I set for my spiritual life?

  1. I Read My Bible Daily.
  2. Daily Prayer/Listening To God’s Voice
  3. Try To Encourage At Least 1 Person Daily.
  4. Give To Others What You Have Been Blessed With.

I have that list and I’m not perfect at it, however, it’s a list I strive for, and long to accomplish regularly.


3 Steps To Accomplish Goals For Your Life.

The 1st thing I like to do:

Understand the goal, and figure out how it can be measurable.

For example; here’s the same goal below:

  • I want to read more books next year
  • Next Year I need to read 10 more books than my previous year.

Do you see the difference? The 1st goal is very ambiguous, yeah you could achieve it, but how will you measure it?

Always check to make sure you know where the ending is. What do you have to accomplish?

The 2nd Thing To Do:

Know you’re midpoint. What is the middle goal? Where is the middle goal? And How will you get to the mid-goal? Part of this will be written about in the next section, but it’s a great thought process to start now.

Do you see what I’m doing, you need to be methodical when trying to accomplish goals. The worst thing that could happen, is if you’re unsure if you accomplished it.

How Do You Eat A Whale? One Bite At A time.

3. Accomplish Goals By Setting Milestones

I see milestones as little mini goals you’ve set towards your one big goal. When you set milestones your progress can be measured and you make adjustments. This is the easiest way to keep on track when trying to accomplish goals.

For instance, the goal above was to read 10 more books this year than the previous one. So it stands a good chance that by July 1st you should be halfway towards your goal right? Also in March or October, you should be around 1/4 to 3/4 done.

Dreaming a dream is easy, achieving goals is the hard part, however, the feeling of accomplishing goals you’ve set and strived for is amazing.

Accomplish Smart Goals

We dream too big, and I know this paragraph will be slightly counterproductive, but the information needs to be said.

Sometimes your dreams aren’t smart. They need to be filtered by friends and family.

A good example:

In 2017 I quit my job and became an entrepreneur. While I don’t regret this time in my life, I do regret some of the choices, ideas, and debt I got myself into. I became an Amazon 3rd party seller and believed I’d be rich by the end of summer.

I was wrong and didn’t speak with anyone about it. Instead, I lost $2000 in ad revenue and crappy products that to this day I have next to my desk. I didn’t accomplish goals at all that year…

When you set your goals, focus on what’s possible, but not easy. When you achieve that difficult goal you make yourself stronger. It shows the character of who you want to be and the character of everyone around you. Some people will be happy for you, while others will be mad.

They have their own lives to live, and their choices are their own.

***Side Note, If You Believe God Has Told You Something Impossible, Chase It. Don’t Let The Impossible Stop You From Accomplishing A goal. Have Faith.

accomplish goals

Accomplish Goals You’re Passionate About

One of the other reasons people fail when trying to accomplish goals is a lack of passion. Goals are difficult, especially ones you want to happen. However, passion wanes.

Find a new way or reason to look at these goals.

  • Instead Of The Goal: I need to lose 15 pounds by Christmas.
  • Add: I need to lose 15 pounds by Christmas. The weight isn’t healthy.

The above sentence could be taken as a scare tactic, but I didn’t mean it that way. Attach something or someone you care about to that dream. Don’t just set a goal for the sake of setting one.

Attach it to something you’re passionate about. Your passion will see you through, and on the other side, you’ll be happier for it. I hope you enjoyed my latest post about how to accomplish goals.

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